About Me

- Barbara Techel
- Barbara Techel is the author of the multi-award winning Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog book series. When her dachshund, Frankie, suffered a spinal injury, Barbara had her custom-fitted for a wheelchair. Frankie persevered, and Barbara realized the beautiful opportunity she had to share Frankie and give others hope and inspiration to be the best they can be. Along with sharing Frankie’s story with children, Barbara and Frankie routinely volunteer as a therapy dog team at a local hospital, senior assisted facility, and hospice community, spreading joy wherever they go.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Winston: The Incredible, Inspirational, Corgi on Wheels!
My little heart just burst with joy watching this amazing corgi... dance in her Eddie's Wheels cart!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Woman's World Magazine to Feature Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dogs Story!
My mom and I are so dog-gone excited to announce that my story will be in Woman's World magazine! I will be in issue #29 which will be on stands July 12th. This is a premiere weekly magazine with 8.2 million readership. Holy cats, that is alot of people! We hope you will grab your issue that week and share with your friends and family... together, along with Woman's World feature story, we can all make a difference spreading the message that animals with disabilities can and do live quality lives if given a chance. Hot-Diggity Dog!

Monday, May 24, 2010
Dachshunds and Flowers
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My Newest Book Wins Indie Excellence Award!
Hot-diggity dog- I almost did a wheelie in my wheelchair when Mom told me the news! Check it out below!
Elkhart Lake, WI— The National Indie Excellence Awards (NIEA) are designed to bring recognition to titles from independent publishers. This highly respected and prestigious awards program celebrates excellence in independent publishing. The competition is judged by an independent panel of experts from all areas of the publishing industry.
Ellen Reid, whose company, Smarketing is the sponsor of the awards, is a strong proponent of independent publishing. Awards are granted in over 100 categories and because of the popularity of the contest, plans are to expand title categories for 2011.
Reid’s statement on Indie Excellence website had this to say to those who submitted books for 2010, “You’ve really done it this time. Our judges agree that never before have so many independently published books demonstrated such a high level of excellence. I know we’ve said that in years past, but this year you made our task more challenging than ever. More of you have done a better job of producing books that give small and independent publishers the good name they deserve.”
Techel’s children’s book published in January 2010, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House won in the category of Children’s Non-Fiction. After suffering a spinal injury and being fitted for a custom doggie wheelchair in 2006, Barbara wrote Frankie’s first book, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog which was published in 2008 and has won numerous awards.
To expand on Frankie’s positive message despite her disability, Frankie became a certified therapy dog with Therapy Dogs Incorporated. Once a month Barbara and Frankie visit Libby’s House, Senior Assisted Living in Plymouth. The book tells how Frankie became a therapy dog and shares stories of her visits, where some of the residents have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Frankie teaches us that patience, listening, and understanding opens our hearts to what matters most—love.
Barbara says, “It is an honor to be recognized for my work with this esteemed award. As an independent publisher I know the labor of love that goes into authors’ books. To be chosen a winner in my category among all the other submissions means so much to me. It not only means helping to bring more positive awareness to animals with disabilities, but helps spread the message that despite obstacles, we can each give back in our own, unique way, just like Frankie does.”
Frankie is also a regular therapy dog volunteer at Memorial Hospital in Sheboygan and Sharon S Richardson Hospice in Sheboygan Falls, as well as visiting local schools in person or visiting classrooms across the country via Skype.
Frankie’s story can also been seen in Every Dog Has a Gift: True Stories of Dogs Who Bring Hope and Healing Into Our Lives by Rachel McPherson, published by Penguin/Tarcher Publishing March 2010 and Dogs and the Women Who Love Them: Extraordinary True Stories of Love, Healing and Inspiration by Linda and Allen Anderson, published by New World Library Fall 2010.
To learn more about Barbara and Frankie and their award winning books you can visit http://www.joyfulpaws.com/ To learn more about NIEA you can visit http://www.indieexcellence.com/.
Wisconsin Author Wins National Indie Excellence Award for Children’s Book
Elkhart Lake author, Barbara Techel, receives distinguished award for her newest book,
“Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House.”
Elkhart Lake, WI— The National Indie Excellence Awards (NIEA) are designed to bring recognition to titles from independent publishers. This highly respected and prestigious awards program celebrates excellence in independent publishing. The competition is judged by an independent panel of experts from all areas of the publishing industry.
Ellen Reid, whose company, Smarketing is the sponsor of the awards, is a strong proponent of independent publishing. Awards are granted in over 100 categories and because of the popularity of the contest, plans are to expand title categories for 2011.
Reid’s statement on Indie Excellence website had this to say to those who submitted books for 2010, “You’ve really done it this time. Our judges agree that never before have so many independently published books demonstrated such a high level of excellence. I know we’ve said that in years past, but this year you made our task more challenging than ever. More of you have done a better job of producing books that give small and independent publishers the good name they deserve.”
Techel’s children’s book published in January 2010, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House won in the category of Children’s Non-Fiction. After suffering a spinal injury and being fitted for a custom doggie wheelchair in 2006, Barbara wrote Frankie’s first book, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog which was published in 2008 and has won numerous awards.
To expand on Frankie’s positive message despite her disability, Frankie became a certified therapy dog with Therapy Dogs Incorporated. Once a month Barbara and Frankie visit Libby’s House, Senior Assisted Living in Plymouth. The book tells how Frankie became a therapy dog and shares stories of her visits, where some of the residents have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Frankie teaches us that patience, listening, and understanding opens our hearts to what matters most—love.
Barbara says, “It is an honor to be recognized for my work with this esteemed award. As an independent publisher I know the labor of love that goes into authors’ books. To be chosen a winner in my category among all the other submissions means so much to me. It not only means helping to bring more positive awareness to animals with disabilities, but helps spread the message that despite obstacles, we can each give back in our own, unique way, just like Frankie does.”
Frankie is also a regular therapy dog volunteer at Memorial Hospital in Sheboygan and Sharon S Richardson Hospice in Sheboygan Falls, as well as visiting local schools in person or visiting classrooms across the country via Skype.
Frankie’s story can also been seen in Every Dog Has a Gift: True Stories of Dogs Who Bring Hope and Healing Into Our Lives by Rachel McPherson, published by Penguin/Tarcher Publishing March 2010 and Dogs and the Women Who Love Them: Extraordinary True Stories of Love, Healing and Inspiration by Linda and Allen Anderson, published by New World Library Fall 2010.
To learn more about Barbara and Frankie and their award winning books you can visit http://www.joyfulpaws.com/ To learn more about NIEA you can visit http://www.indieexcellence.com/.

Monday, May 17, 2010
Chicago Examiner Helps Spread Positive Message about Special Needs Pets
Arf-a-roo to writer, Kathy Williams of Chicago Examiner for sharing my story to help others understand all that special needs pets can bring into our lives.
Here's the start of the story-
Barbara Techel works as an educator and author; her favorite topic to write about is animals. She partners with her Dachshund, Frankie, who lives with a spinal cord injury.
Barbara described, "We work to spread our positive message about animals with disabilities; we share a very close bond. When I watch her with kids at local schools or as a therapy dog visiting the elderly, hospital or hospice patients, I truly get the sense that this is her purpose in life!" Read More...
Here's the start of the story-
Barbara Techel works as an educator and author; her favorite topic to write about is animals. She partners with her Dachshund, Frankie, who lives with a spinal cord injury.
Barbara described, "We work to spread our positive message about animals with disabilities; we share a very close bond. When I watch her with kids at local schools or as a therapy dog visiting the elderly, hospital or hospice patients, I truly get the sense that this is her purpose in life!" Read More...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
There Is Hope Campaign Winner!
Everyone who helped us spread the message about animals with disabilities and helping dogs with IVDD is a winner in our book!! But the one who won the Frankie prize package valued at $150 by a random drawing is.... drum roll please....
Devri, please contact us at joyfulpaws@yahoo.com so that we can get your information and mail out your prize package! We will also make a $50 donation in your honor to Dodgerslist so that they can continue to bring awareness to dogs diagnosed with IVDD and that there is always hope!
Devri, please contact us at joyfulpaws@yahoo.com so that we can get your information and mail out your prize package! We will also make a $50 donation in your honor to Dodgerslist so that they can continue to bring awareness to dogs diagnosed with IVDD and that there is always hope!

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to my mom. I love snuggle time with her!
A special thank you to Mom of Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog for getting this shot of me and my mom while they were visiting a few weeks ago..
NOTE: Be sure to stop by Blog Jog Day post below to leave comment and receive free ebook I am giving away PLUS visit many new blogs with many giving away prizes for stopping by. TODAY ONLY!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Blog Jog Day & A Free Gift For You

I love learning about new blogs! I thought you might like to also. I'm taking part in "Blog Jog Day" and invite you to click on the blog below and follow along on Blog Jog Day. You just may find a new blog you need to follow! The blog below will take you to another blog and so on and so on.... have fun!
Deanna's Tidbits
FREE e-book copy of my activity workbook, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog just for today for stopping by and following along on Blog Jog Day! Just leave a comment in the comment section that you stopped by and I will email you my ebook.
Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog Activity Workbook Synopsis: 28-page work book in which Frankie inspires the message, always be positive and keep on rolling by her example that overcoming a challenge can be done by having a positive attitude. This activity book is filled with activities designed to teach children that challenges are given to help us learn and grow.
To learn more about Blog Jog Day visit their blog!

Friday, May 7, 2010
Hug-A-Dog Harnesses
My mom and I are continuing our "There is Hope" camapaign during National Pet Week. Don't forget to visit previous blog post to see how you can win a super dooper prize package we are giving away. But hurry! Ends May 8th.
So today we want to share with you the cool harnesses you will often see me wear. They are from a company owned by April Scott called Hug-A-Dog. Isn't that a great name? Who dosen't love to be hugged? These harnesses' not only help me look stylish but they serve a really cool purpose... so check out the video mom and I did to tell you all about this awesome harnesses' and how you can get one... or two... or three!
So today we want to share with you the cool harnesses you will often see me wear. They are from a company owned by April Scott called Hug-A-Dog. Isn't that a great name? Who dosen't love to be hugged? These harnesses' not only help me look stylish but they serve a really cool purpose... so check out the video mom and I did to tell you all about this awesome harnesses' and how you can get one... or two... or three!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
National Pet Week- There is Hope Campaign Continues- Video Message
My mom tells me and others all the time how much she has learned from me. Just because I'm physcially challenged does not mean I am not happy. I'm dog-gone happy! So in continuing our "There is Hope" campaign to bring positive awareness to all animals with disabilites we put together this special little video for you. Please sure to visit our previous post and let us know if you are sharing our message with others by leaving a comment. Your name will be entered into a drawing to win some GREAT, FUN prizes!! But hurry, ends May 8th!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
National Dog Week- Help Us Celebrate Disabled Pets & You Could Win
Don't you think we should have National Dog Year? ARF!
I need your help... so please read below... and then at the end see what you could win for helping!
My passion (along with the help of my mom) is bringing positive awareness to animals with disabilities, especially dachshunds diagnosed with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). There are still so many that are not aware of the hope there is for this breed when diagnosed with IVDD. So many are told there is no hope and their dog must be put to sleep. We are here to tell you that a doxie with this diagnoses CAN live a quality life. I am living proof, along with oodles of others.
Sadly many are still being put down. Mom and I just learned of another doxie needlessly put to sleep last night because they were told there was no hope. It broke our hearts beyond any words I can say. Please, during this week of National Dog Week help educate other dachshund owners, vets, vet clinics, etc. that there is HOPE. Please share with them the resource of Dodgerslist which is a website dedicated to helping educate others on the options available. You can print out brochures to give to your local vet clinics or to those you know have a doxie.
If your doxie is diagnosed with IVDD it is imperative that they have IMMEDIATEcrate rest and get to a vet specializing in IVDD asap. See Dodgerslist for more Emergency FAQ's and please pass along.
The cost for surgery may not be an option for many due to various reasons but there is conservative treatment which often times works. I had the surgery, followed by physical therapy and now in my wheelchair. I have made leaps and bounds since being fitted for my wheelchair from Eddie's Wheels four years ago. My wheelchair has helped maintain my muscle tone and I can spinal walk at times without my wheels- this is huge!! I'm so happy my mom gave me a chance at life!
So what's in it for you? How can you help? It is easy! Just forward this post to any dachshund owner, vet, or vet clinic you know to help educate others that IVDD is not a death sentenceand that there are many options available ( I don't need proof as I will just trust that you do). Post it on your Facebook or Twitter about it or if you have a blog post a link back to this information. Or print out the brochure from Dodgerslist website and give to your vet or doxie owner you may know. Just let me know that you did in the comment section and I will enter your name into a drawing to win:
(Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby's House, Frankie Activity Workbook)
Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog book (thank you to Sparkles for donating your book- you are a great friend!)
Donation made in your name to Dodgerslist
$150 value!! Drawing will be held Sunday, May 9th.
Thank you, during this week of National Dog Week, in helping to save the lives of dachshunds whose lives are often cut short due to a diagnoses of IVDD.
With your help we can make a difference and save their lives.
Thank you so much for passing this on!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
May Pet Holidays to Celebrate
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